
Do you worry about your alcohol or drug use being a problem?
Have you broken rules you set about your use or had difficulty cutting down?
Have you been angry or annoyed at others when they ask about your use?
Have you lied or felt guilty about your use?
Have you felt a need to use alcohol or drugs to “get going”?
Have you had problems at work due to your use of alcohol or drugs?
Has Parole, Probation, Court or Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) told you to get an evaluation for substance use?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, we can help.
Sometimes individuals have a concern about their substance use and its effects in their life. It may be self concerns, or concerns raised by family or friends. We will conduct a professional evaluation to help in determining the presence or absence of a problem, design a treatment plan and counseling or make appropriate referrals if needed.
At Monarch, we have three Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors:
- Gerry Merck, LIMHP, LADC
- Mary SimBarcelos, LIMHP, LADC
- Ingrid DeVries, LIMHP, LADC (Online Counseling)